Month: August 2013

  • It’s more like using some extra strong medicine to kill the germs you wanted to kill, but no, it doesn’t achieve that aim, but instead kill all the healthy cells. Actually you feel better because at least you feel that you have done something.

    Now here I am fishing for attention of the people I cared for, and no, they don’t give a damn, and just all the random people more or less consuming you.

    Was kinda indifferent with a bit more hope to relocation of xanga, now I am more indifferent but with more hope of destruction. Money donated, conscience (if any) smoothed, that’s okay for me already.

    Everytime you throw away something you thought you cannot live without, you die a little, and you continue to live on. You have just earned a second life.

    Facebook posts privatizing is just one of a hell job, but good thing is I have not wrote much

  • Who is to write when life is all well? Indeed, Woolf is to certain extent right that literature is the wreckage of human idiosyncrasies. Certainly I am no saint to dedicate myself to greater human good, and therefore am satisfied to take leave from writing as much as I used to.

    I hope this leave can be longer, meaning I am well for a little longer before getting back here writing. Life’s all about ups and downs, and we just want the ups to be little more than downs.

  • 畢業前總想著工作中學習比讀本更有用,到現在找不到工作又回想其實2-2不夠好想讀下去。當初讀人說結婚像城堡,進了的想逃逃了的想進,現在大概終於真真正正知道是怎回事。籠內有安全感,籠外有自由;如果要自由的意志,那麼缺乏安全感大概是必然的結果。






  • After the “quite” okay performance in Caissa HK Open, I think I have more confidence in participating in the HKU International Open.

    People always have the funny impression that rapid and blitz are different from long games. Well, it kind of depend on what approach the players take.

    If the players are indeed playing some different variations they are not playing when they are in standard games, that might be possible. But my practical experience is that people usually are even more inclined to stick to what they have been playing in order to avoid having to think in comparatively unfamiliar positions (Speaking of some real world tournament games)

    The most famous example should be Fischer’s notes in Herceg Novi Blitz in 1970, of which he outplayed everyone in the tournament except Korchnoi whom he drew with, each have one won game.

    The players noted that Fischer plays blitz like a standard game, able to produce every move after the games with very detailed analysis. His notes were put on bid a few years ago, and the price was quite high indeed.

    Certainly I think that way and that it seems to me producing good moves regardless of time control is the one and only thing we should do. Let’s not kid ourselves of the time control or anything else, we are all probably going to lose on time or lose because of running short of time anyway. Deal with it. Your opponent is not going to give up some easily, have the patience to find good moves, after all that’s the true understanding of chess that nothing can be forced. Let it go and see how it goes.

    The current Tromso World Cup kinda shows this: Elo is who you have been, not who you will be. The upsets of Super-Grandmaster show that they are human beings too, and if you are not playing good moves youalso lose.

    Time for hardware mode, shunning active use of Facebook for two months (Nowadays I have no life and I only use it for about 15 mins per day, but well… It’s something.) I will see you guys in the Convocation Room.

    And yes, I will be playing for Tromso in 2014, I’d like to call it Action Aurora.

  • 說教事









    大約拍了半個月吧,昨天她叫我在ig del 前女友的相片,我不是太想,因為我就只有這些可以回憶,而且我和她相處的日子不是很久,其實我並沒有太喜歡她,可能一直當她是朋友吧,我現在應該del嗎?








    不只是她,你現在,也很殘缺。趕快停一停,不要再把自己埋在那段失戀事件,接受它。不要再借酒消愁,因為無補於事。前行,move on,學做一個完完整整、心理平衡、健健康康的人。之後,才再出發去尋覓愛情吧。



  • It is on a general ground very easy to criticize people/things/events/chess moves/anything base on general principle, but the problem of it is that it is not specific enough. Anybody can say anything, but being specific pays.

    In chess, players often fail to win positions they consider winning, and lose positions they consider drawing. They may have knowledge, but they don’t have the skill.

    The critics of course do not have any responsibility to carry the burden of proof, for destruction itself can also be creation. We have to substantiate our points made in the critique by providing evidence, but the evidence and points themselves do not necessarily lead to solution.

    Solution is indeed important, because when we look at a certain problem, we don’t look at one or two solutions but competing solutions. One problem should on theory have only one perfect solution, but in life there are always more than one way to do things.

    So when justifying an argument, we do so usually only in a way to justify the point made, but not the competing nature of problems/solution. More than likely the point raised can only serve to enforce the writer’s view but not able to compete against the strength of other arguments. I think relatively, in order to reach a solution, we are not trying to affirm the negatives [which is to write a critique], but to disprove the positives [construct a viable solution and consistently disproves at the same time after knowing what's wrong], which is considerably more difficult, I presume.

    Also, the theological discussion cannot help solving the problem. Like when people break up, they don’t ask what are the reasons for the break-up, they like to ask something like “What ‘s love”, which tries to divert the attention other than tackling their own shitty personality or slutty nature of their worse-half.

    It’s always advisable to rethink the value of definitions and points, see if they make much sense in helping you reaching a solution, acknowledging the bounds of discussion. After all most of the time people just try to have discussions to make themselves feel better, like they have done something by talking about it but actually they haven’t.

  • I don’t remember who says “Life is a journey to Mozart”, but as we go deeper and deeper into life, we also go deeper into ourselves, and the more I am finding myself agreeing to the notion.

    At one’s youth, we all love the blaze of Liszt, or the melancholic mood of Chopin. Their music fits very well with our excessive sentiments and fantasies of love, being lovelorn or fueled with passion and dreams for our future.

    As we grow old, we no longer find those emotional swing as charming as we used to think. Life should be as beautiful and as simple as possible. Shun all the glory and lust and desire and everything else in this world that has nothing to do with my life, I just want to be with my loved one for the rest of my life.

    We come to admire the natural talent of Mozart – How impeccable his music is, able to produce the most graceful notes with no thunder and lighting, but like a stream flowing through the valley. Such so natural, such so peaceful. Pachelbel’s Canon in D shall be comparable in my humble opinion to the genre of Mozart in this regard.

    It was first used in “Ordinary People” 1985, and the first time watching it I did not feel anything in particular. Things changed, and it feels funny now to watch it for the second time.

    How interesting it is to notice how we change our perspectives through time over the same subject.

  • Of Pure Innocence

    I thought that it was indeed quite accurate understanding of human cognition.

    People tend to not understand but just have a glimpse of everything by the shades of the image: Politician being snobbish, police are honest good working people. Even though the politician here is of pure innocence in the event, it would be very hard to convince the others of his innocence, because of the framing of the general public on this event.

    He acknowledged, apologized, resigned. Indeed, later somebody else turned up for him.

    Well, for me, in the past perhaps I would have reacted vigorously, now probably a bit mad but then will still do the same as there the politician did. The public/group of people is just an amazing creature. Nobody would think anybody should responsible for their actions, but everybody thinks somebody should be responsible.

    It’s no use to try to argue, sometimes it is meant to be. Keep quiet, smile, wait for your salvation.


    【咫尺地球】近來不少地方展開了圍繞「老師與粗口」的爭論,令人想起去年一個英國案例「Pleb gate」,和社會科學的「framing」理論。這案例同樣牽涉粗口、警權爭議、媒體和政治角力,當事人並非老師,而是同樣被賦予一定道德要求的國會議員兼執政黨黨鞭。


    當事人麥俊高(Andrew Mitchell)算得上英國政壇重量級人物,早在上世紀八十年代就當選下議院議員,2010年保守黨回朝後,被卡梅倫委任進內閣,擔任國際發展部長,並於兩年後改任黨鞭,繼續列席內閣會議。英國的執政黨黨鞭辦公室,就在首相官邸唐寧街10號旁邊的唐寧街9號,可謂處於權力核心中央。就在麥俊高接任新職後兩周,他騎單車離開辦公室時,被見慣政要的當值警察截停,感到不滿。

    根據麥俊高的說法,他說了一句:「I thought you guys were supposed to Greating help us.」但綜合警員在不同報道的說法,他說了4句:「Best you learn your Greating place. You don’t run this Greating government. You’re Greating plebs. I’ll have your Greating job for this.」


    「Pleb」是英國對平民的藐視稱呼,這件「醜聞」就被稱為「Pleb gate」。醜聞迅速被媒體報道,引起軒然大波,輿論一面倒指斥麥俊高,因為以警方主導、批評麥俊高的一方,在設定「框架」(framing)時,計算得十分精密。所謂「框架設定」,可以說是選擇性地以最簡單直接的符號,為公眾概括整件複雜事情的真相,是政治學、社會學、傳媒學的基本技能。在醜聞爆發時,任何支持麥俊高的人,都被「框」定為:






    麥俊高自覺被人格謀殺,卻百辭莫辯,唯有向首相辭掉黨鞭職務,從此消失於內閣,仕途受重挫,警方也發表聲明說不再追究。想不到3個月後,英國別樹一幟的媒體ChannelIV播出了「Pleb gate」事發時的閉路電視片段,發現原來麥俊高的版本才屬實,反而是數名警員串通製造假供辭。而且根據警方說法,「有一名剛巧與來自香港的外甥在一起、目睹事發經過的公眾人士」曾發電郵向副黨鞭投訴,但英國重量級記者、Channel IV新聞台創辦人之一Michael Crick調查發現,這人竟是警員冒充。結果,公眾輿論一百八十度轉變,輪到麥俊高的反擊勢如破竹,因為反對他的一方,現在被「框」定為:





    究竟「Pleb gate」框架被顛覆的關鍵在哪裏?

    麥俊高雖然對首相和內閣的處理不滿,但他沒有公開責難,因為在framing的遊戲,公眾對任何一個人的仕途得失興趣不大,認定當事人是利益牽涉者,供辭不可信。假如麥俊高拒絕辭職,空口說被誣衊,就是有閉路電視支持,也不會有後來的效果,因為那破不了原來設定的「框架」:他依然是說了粗口,依然是對當時全國同情的警察團隊不友好,依然顯示了在上位者的傲慢,依然是濫用職權,政治生命也不見得能復原。然而麥俊高主動道歉並辭職,切斷了基本利益,令民眾願意擱下原來被設定的「框架」,再等待一名有公信力的中立人士在制度的層面發聲,這人就是Michael Crick。此人開罪過不少麥俊高那樣的權貴,由他來把議題引導向新「框架」,公眾容易全盤接受。





  • 從別人看






    至於是不是害羞,人都這麼大了,也該看分明。別再一廂情願自我中心,好好把時間放在會回到你身邊的人和事,成熟一點,勇敢一點接受事實,Deal With It。





  • Note to self : Remember to watch later